
What is RAT (in short)?

RAT refers to Remote Administrations Tool. RAT is a tool which allows user to control a device remotely which means it can access your storage ,  camera  , microphone even when your phone is off.

RATs can be used in a helpful way also , For example when you have a technical problem on your work computer, sometimes corporate IT guys will use a RAT to access your computer and fix the issue.

RATs are often hidden and downloaded invisibily without your knowledge , along with the legimate program your requested such as a game.

A well-designed RAT will allow the hacker the ability to do anything that they could do with physical access to the device .


Be careful what links you click and what you download. Often rats are installed unknowingly by you after opening some bad mail or downloading some third party software.

Beware of P2P (Peer To Peer) File sharing. Not only is a lot the content these pirated files , criminals love to sneak in a few malware surprises in there too.


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